click here to see average gasoline price in USA
Today is Thursday, November 14, 2024
Historical perspective: looking back at spot prices in the past
As of April 7, 2024 the price of gasoline in Mississauga, Ontario Canada was $1.62 CDN$/litre, this results in about US $4.58 per us gal [Or $7.36 (CDN$/US Gallon)] at a conversion of 1.34 - ouch!
as of Sunday, March 6, 2022 the price of gasoline in Mississauga, Ontario Canada was $1.86 CDN$/litre, this results in about US $5.54 per us gal [Or $7.04 (CDN$/US Gallon)] at a conversion of 1.2994
As of February 14, 2022 (Happy Valentine's Day!) at $1.549 CDN$/litre, this results in about US
$4.51 per us gal [Or $5.86 (CDN$/US Gallon)] at a conversion of 1.2994
as of
June 5, 2021 at $1.357 CDN$/litre, this results in about US
$3.92 per us gal at a conversion of 1.31
as of June 19, 2011: gasoline was US$2.95/USGAL back calculates to CDN$98.27/litre at 0.978767 CDN/US dollar conversion rate as June 19, 2011 and we were paying about $1.35/litre at the time!
Update: as of December 12, 2012 in southern Ontario we are experiencing a
sudden drop in gasoline prices at the pump, today's price is only CDN$1.185
per litre and our CDN dollar exchange rate is above part at $1.01 USD per
CDN$ which results in US
$4.40 per us gal as
US price of gasoline is about US$3.65/USGAL back calculates to CDN$0.9739/litre
at 1.01 US/CDN dollar conversion rate as of December 12, 2012
see the current US and Canadian Gasoline prices
US to CAD dollar as of today is 1.3594 see todays rate
USD/CAD Monthly Conversion Rate Historical Data
Date | Price |
2024-04-08 | 1.3597 |
2024-04-07 | 1.3605 |
2024-04-05 | 1.3588 |
2024-04-04 | 1.3541 |
2024-04-03 | 1.3526 |
2024-04-02 | 1.3564 |
22-Mar | 1.2736 |
22-Feb | 1.2675 |
22-Jan | 1.2705 |
21-Dec | 1.2634 |
21-Nov | 1.2776 |
21-Oct | 1.2387 |
21-Sep | 1.2678 |
21-Aug | 1.2614 |
21-Jul | 1.247 |
21-Jun | 1.2394 |
21-May | 1.2062 |
21-Apr | 1.2289 |
21-Mar | 1.2558 |
21-Feb | 1.2739 |
21-Jan | 1.2777 |
20-Dec | 1.273 |
20-Nov | 1.3 |
20-Oct | 1.3317 |
20-Sep | 1.3319 |
20-Aug | 1.3045 |
20-Jul | 1.3413 |
20-Jun | 1.3573 |
20-May | 1.3769 |
20-Apr | 1.3941 |
To see more current US gasoline prices, click here
see the current US and Canadian Gasoline prices
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Bank of Canada Current Exchange Rates
My Blog on Gasoline prices in Mississauga
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