Simple Online Gasoline Calculator - Price per Litre to Price per Gallon Converter

Convert cost of Gasoline price per gallon to price per liter and dollars per gallon to dollars per liter and in US$ dollars per US Gallon to other equivalents in Canadian Dollars CAD$ per litre or Canadian (Imperial) Gallons and visa versa

  (A) Start Here if converting from US Gallons to Litres
  (B) Start Here if converting from Litres to Gallons

There are 3 variables below that you can change:

  1. the cost of gasoline in your area in USD per US Gallon
  2. the cost of gasoline in CAD Cents per Litre
  3. the current conversion exchange rate between USD and CAD

(A) Start Here if converting from US Gallons to Litres

If you wish to convert from US$ per US Gallon to Canadian Prices enter the cost of gas in your area per US gallon below

Cost of Gasoline in YOURr area of the USA
US$/US Gallon is:

Enter the CURRENT cost of gasoline in your area/state in this box, which currently defaults to $3.59/US Gal
(enter today's amount above)

To check current US gasoline prices, click here

CDN$/CDN Gallon is:
CDN$/US Gallon is:
Thus if gasoline is as shown above at US$/US Gallon the equivalent price in Canada: CDN $/Litre
equivalent price in Canada: Cents/Litre

USA Flag USA Perspective:

Once the "Perform Conversion Calculations" button above is pressed, it will show the difference between Canadian and US Gasoline prices in US Cents per US Gallon is: Cents, this figure is the amount that people like you from USA are paying LESS per US Gallon than people like me from Canada (based upon the price of gasoline in Canada of CAD/Litre.)

Canadian Flag Canadian Perspective:

The final figure above of cents per litre is the price Americans like you pay for gasoline in CAD per litre, versus the figure that Canadians like me pay for gasoline (which is dollars/litre) which is a whopping difference of cents/litre MORE! This is how much MORE per litre Canadians like me currently pay for gasoline than Americans like you!

These figures above assume the current exchange rate is $if this is not the case, enter the current exchange rate here




(B) Start Here if converting from Litres to US or CAD Gallons

Enter the cost of gasoline per Litre at the pump, if it's currently $1 and 79 cents and 9/10th of a cent per Litre, then enter 1.799 :
As of Tuesday, April 9, 2024 the average price of gasoline in the GTA is $1 83.9 cents per litre
See current price of fuel here
Cost of Gasoline in ¢/litre
(enter today's amount above)

Enter the current value of the CDN $ compared to the US $ to get the most accurate value of the US gas price, please enter it in this box on the right
(The exchange rate calculation between the value of the USD to CAD is critical to the calculations. If you know today's exchange rate between CAD/USD then you can enter than number directly on the right, I've used 1.34 as a starting point.):

As of April 9, 2024 the value of approximately 0.74 US Dollars equals 1 Canadian Dollar, this means that you should enter 1.34 (1 divided by 0.74) 

To check today's rate try this link or click here

(enter today's CAD/USD exchange rate above)
CDN$/US Gallon is:
US$/US Gallon is:
CDN$/CDN Gallon is:

Canadian Flag Canadian Perspective:

Once you click the "Perform Conversion Calculations" button above the results are - when the price of gasoline in your area of the USA is US$/US Gallon, the difference between Canadian and US gasoline in Canadian Cents per litre is: Cents, put another way, this figure is the amount that Canadians are paying MORE per litre than people from the US

USA Flag USA Perspective:

The final figure of US$/US Gallon is the price Canadians pay for gasoline in USD per US Gallon, versus the figure that people like you from USA pay for gasoline, which currently is US$/US Gallon and this is a whopping difference of Cents/US Gallon LESS! This is how much LESS per US Gallon people like you from USA currently pay for gasoline than Canadians - generally speaking, gasoline is far less expensive in the US compared to Canada!

These figures above assume the current exchange rate is $ if this is not the case, enter the current exchange rate here

You can convert cost of Gasoline from Canadian Dollars and Cents and Tenths of a cent per Litre to Canadian Dollars per Canadian Gallon and Canadian Dollars per US Gallon and US Dollars per US Gallon

Now that you have performed all the calculations, see US Dollar to Canadian Dollar Conversion rates

Read a very detailed analysis of exchange rates and the differences when converting from one currency to another

As you have seen over the past few weeks, the price of gasoline has been fluctuating wildly.  Be sure to use current values of prices of gas in your area and the US$ to CAD$ conversion rates, start here

The calculators above assume the following conversion amounts:

1 Litre = 0.264 gallons(US)
1 gallon (imp) = 4.54609188 Litres
1 gallon (US) = 3.7854118 Litres

$1 US ~ $0.77 CDN


$1.2994 CDN = $1 USD

Today is Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Historical perspective: looking back at spot prices in the past

As of April 7, 2024 the price of gasoline in Mississauga, Ontario Canada was $1.62 CDN$/litre, this results in about US $4.58 per us gal [Or $7.36 (CDN$/US Gallon)] at a conversion of 1.34 - ouch!

as of Sunday, March 6, 2022 the price of gasoline in Mississauga, Ontario Canada was $1.86 CDN$/litre, this results in about US $5.54 per us gal [Or $7.04 (CDN$/US Gallon)] at a conversion of 1.2994

As of February 14, 2022  (Happy Valentine's Day!) at $1.549 CDN$/litre, this results in about US $4.51 per us gal [Or $5.86 (CDN$/US Gallon)] at a conversion of 1.2994

as of June 5, 2021 at $1.357 CDN$/litre, this results in about US $3.92 per us gal at a conversion of 1.31

as of June 19, 2011: gasoline was US$2.95/USGAL back calculates to CDN$98.27/litre at 0.978767 CDN/US dollar conversion rate as June 19, 2011 and we were paying about $1.35/litre at the time!

Update: as of December 12, 2012 in southern Ontario we are experiencing a sudden drop in gasoline prices at the pump, today's price is only CDN$1.185 per litre and our CDN dollar exchange rate is above part at $1.01 USD per CDN$ which results in US $4.40 per us gal as
US price of gasoline is about US$3.65/USGAL back calculates to CDN$0.9739/litre at 1.01 US/CDN dollar conversion rate as of December 12, 2012

see the current US and Canadian Gasoline prices

USD/CAD closing rate summary

Today's Rates Here

US to CAD dollar as of today is 1.3594 see todays rate

USD/CAD Monthly Conversion Rate Historical Data

Date Price
2024-04-08 1.3597
2024-04-07 1.3605
2024-04-05 1.3588
2024-04-04 1.3541
2024-04-03 1.3526
2024-04-02 1.3564



22-Mar 1.2736
22-Feb 1.2675
22-Jan 1.2705
21-Dec 1.2634
21-Nov 1.2776
21-Oct 1.2387
21-Sep 1.2678
21-Aug 1.2614
21-Jul 1.247
21-Jun 1.2394
21-May 1.2062
21-Apr 1.2289
21-Mar 1.2558
21-Feb 1.2739
21-Jan 1.2777
20-Dec 1.273
20-Nov 1.3
20-Oct 1.3317
20-Sep 1.3319
20-Aug 1.3045
20-Jul 1.3413
20-Jun 1.3573
20-May 1.3769
20-Apr 1.3941



Rates in above table from Bank of Canada website

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