Convert cost of Gasoline price per gallon to price per liter and dollars per gallon to dollars per liter and in US$ dollars per US Gallon to other equivalents
in Canadian Dollars CAD$ per litre or Canadian (Imperial) Gallons and visa versa
(A) Start Here if converting from $/US Gallons
to $/Litre
you wish to convert from US$ per US Gallon to Canadian Prices
enter the cost of gas in your area per US gallon below
Cost of Gasoline
in YOUR area of the USA
US$/US Gallon is:
Enter the CURRENT
cost of gasoline in your area/state in this box, which currently defaults
to $3.08/US Gal
(enter today's amount above)
To check current US gasoline prices, click
CDN$/CDN Gallon
CDN$/US Gallon
equivalent price
in Canada:
Thus, if gasoline
is as shown above at
US$/US Gallon the equivalent price in Canada:
CDN $/Litre
After pressing the "Perform Conversion Calculations" button above, the difference between Canadian and US gasoline prices is displayed in US cents per US Gallon:
Cents. This amount represents how much less, per US Gallon, people like you in the USA are paying compared to those in Canada (based on a gasoline price in Canada of
Canadian Perspective:
The final figure above of
cents per litre is the price Americans like you pay for gasoline in CAD per
litre, versus the figure that Canadians like me pay for gasoline (which is
which is a whopping difference of
cents/litre MORE! This is how much MORE per litre Canadians like me currently pay for gasoline
than people from the USA! Why do Gasoline Prices Vary so Much?
These figures above assume the current exchange rate is
if this is not the case, enter the current exchange rate here
(B) Start Here if converting from $/Litre to $/USGAL or $/CAD GAL (Gallon)
Enter the cost
of gasoline per Litre at the pump, if it's currently $1 and 51 cents
and 8/10th of a cent per Litre, then enter 151.8 :
As of
Friday, November 22, 2024
the average price of gasoline in the GTA is $1.518 cents per litre
See current price of fuel here
Cost of Gasoline
in ¢/litre
(enter today's amount in this box)
Enter the current value of the CDN $ compared to the US $ to get
the most accurate value of the US gas price, please enter it in this box
on the right
(The exchange rate calculation between the value of the USD to CAD is critical to the calculations. If you know today's exchange rate between CAD/USD then
you can enter than number directly on the right, I've used 1.3997 as a starting point.):
As of
November 22, 2024
the value of approximately 0.714415 US Dollars equals 1 Canadian Dollar, this means
that you should enter 1.34 (1 divided by 0.74)
To check today's rate try this link or
(enter today's CAD/USD exchange rate above)
CDN$/US Gallon is:
US$/US Gallon is:
CDN$/CDN Gallon is:
Canadian Perspective:
Once you click the "Perform Conversion Calculations" button above the results are - when the price of gasoline in your area of the USA is
US$/US Gallon, the difference between Canadian and US gasoline in Canadian
Cents per litre is:
Cents, put another way, this figure is the amount that Canadians are
paying MORE per litre than people from the US
USA Perspective:
The final figure of
US$/US Gallon is the price Canadians pay for gasoline in USD per US Gallon,
versus the figure that people like you from USA pay for gasoline, which currently is
US$/US Gallon
and this is a whopping difference of
Cents/US Gallon LESS! This is how much LESS per US Gallon people like you from USA currently
pay for gasoline than Canadians - generally speaking, gasoline is far less expensive in the US compared to Canada!
Why do Gasoline Prices Vary so Much?
These figures above assume the current exchange rate is
if this is not the case, enter the current exchange rate here