An Increase in exchange
To reiterate, this exchange rate is how many USD you get for 1 CAD.
When this exchange rate increases, for example from .81 to
.88, which can also be written as: to
This means that for the same 1 CAD you will get .07 more USD. This is an appreciation in the CAD since the same Canadian Dollar gets you more US Dollars than at the previous exchange rate.
As a result this is a depreciation in the CAD.
A Decrease in exchange
When this exchange rate decreases, for example from .81
to .76, which can also be written as: to
This means that for the same 1 CAD you will get .05 less USD. This is a depreciation in the CAD since the same Canadian Dollar gets you less US Dollars than at the previous exchange rate.
As a result this is an appreciation in the CAD.
Read the next page about Interpreting
Exchange Rates on Websites, Articles, Charts and Graphs
Now that you have performed all the calculations, see a graphical representation of gasoline prices across the USA Here
Read a very detailed analysis of exchange rates and the differences when converting from one currency to another
Rates in above table from Bank of Canada website
Other Calculators found on this website:
The calculator below will determine your monthly mortgage payment (principal and interest)view today's mortgage interest rates
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