You can use this page to convert the cost of gasoline in your area from the current US Dollar (USD) per US Gallon to CAD Dollars per Litre and Canadian Gallon & Canadian Dollar (CAD) price in Cents per Litre to the price in CAD per US Gallon & and more
Convert cost of Gasoline price per gallon to price per liter and dollars per gallon to dollars per liter and in US$ dollars per US Gallon to other equivalents
in Canadian Dollars CAD$ per litre or Canadian (Imperial) Gallons and visa versa
You can convert cost of Gasoline from Canadian
Dollars and Cents and Tenths of a cent per Litre to Canadian Dollars per
Canadian Gallon and Canadian Dollars per US Gallon and US Dollars per US
As you've likely noticed in recent weeks, gasoline prices have been highly volatile. To get accurate results, make sure to use current gas prices in your area and up-to-date USD to CAD conversion rates. You can start here.
The calculators above are based on the following conversions: