Your IP address for the computer you are presently viewing this webpage is:
Your IP address is unique. Every computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses consist of four numbers separated by periods (also called a "dotted-quad") and it will look something like or something with 4 sets of unique numbers separated by the periods.
Since these numbers are usually assigned to internet service providers within country-based blocks, an IP address can also often be used to identify the country from which a computer is connecting to the Internet. Because the numbers may be tedious to deal with, an IP address may also be assigned to a Host name, which is sometimes easier to remember. Hostnames may be looked up to find IP addresses, and visa-versa.
Forms on my website will contain the code to log your IP address. This means that when you submit a form on my website even though you use an anonymous email address, your IP address is revealed to me. You can deceive the form with a hotmail or yahoo email address, but you cannot hide or feign your IP Address.
An Internet Protocol address is a unique 32 bit (4 byte) address each computer on the internet must have, it's an identifier for each computer, and is the way of sending and retrieving data.
Most dial up users are assigned a new IP address each time they dial up to the internet, the address will depend on the range of the ISP, this is a dynamic IP address. Permanent connections such as DSL are most likely to have a static IP address.
An IP address looks like this:
Each of the numbers can be in the range 0 - 255.
There are a possible of 4228250625 unique IP addresses.
As I showed you above, your IP address is:
You can find out your 'whois' information about your computer at this site:
Your IP address is sent to the server when you make a HTTP request, each server connected to the internet can see this IP, and is their way of sending you a reply. IP addresses are also visible in all e-mails you send. Take a look at what is called the "header" of an email and you will see that your computer IP address is shown along with your email address and other information. Right click and look at details and you will see a line that is similar to this: Received: from [] etc. and this is the sender's IP address revealed! There is no getting away from this.
A user, such as me, can use your IP to trace your ISP. Your ISP can be contacted and a request can be made to reveal your identity for ethical reasons, spamming or copyright infringement.
Read more about copyright infringement
I am sorry to say, but I've had to make a few formal complaints to RECO over the recent past about users that have violated my copyright infringement notices and those who have scraped code from my pages. It's illegal to hold yourself out as a member of the public when you are a realtor and it's also illegal to use text or code from my site and a violation of the Realtor Code of Ethics
If you want to use some part or information from my site, all you have to do is ask for permission by sending me an email.
Thank you for your honesty and regard for all my hard work and long hours that has gone into producing this website.
Lindsay Schenk Broker, P.Eng.,
Specializing in Residential & Investment Real Estate
RE/MAX Realty Specialists Inc.
2691 Credit Valley Road, Suite #101, Mississauga, Ontario L5M 7A1
( BUS 905-828-3434
2 FAX 905-828-2829
Website ip:
October 15, 2024
Mississauga MLS Real Estate Properties & MLS.CA Homes for Sale | All Pages maintained by Copyright © Lindsay Schenk., Broker, RE/MAX Realty Specialists Inc., Brokerage, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5M 7A1 (905) 828-3434 First created - Tuesday, July 16th, 1996 at 3:48:41 PM - Last Update of this website:
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 11:21 PM
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